A single picture is worth than thousand words.South African photographer Kevin Carter took this picture of a little girl in Sudan at the mouth of death due to war and femine,nearby vulture waiting for her death in 1993.He won the Pulitzer prize for the picture . But when he was asked about the whereabouts of that little girl, he said he had no time to see her or rescue her. The reporter told him that there were two vultures one with camera and one without . Later Carter committed a suicide .
दक्षिण अफृकी पत्रकार kevin carter, १९९३”मा दोन्द्ग्रस्थ सुदान जान्छन् ।उन्ले भोक युद्द अनिकाल ले मर्न लागेको बालिका र साथ मा उन्को मिर्तु कुरेर बसेको गिद्द को तस्वीर लिन्छ्न। जुन तस्वीर ले उनि अति सम्मानित pulitzer prize पाउँछन्। उन्लाइ एक पत्रकार ले ती बालिका को अवस्था बारे सोद्दा उनी उदार गर्न समय नभएकोभन्छ्न। तेस पछि पत्रकार ले तिया २ गिद्द भएको एक को हात मा camera र अर्को को नभएको भन्छ्न। लगत्तै kevin ले आत्मा हत्या गर्छन् ।